The items in this photo gallery are presented not for profit, and for educational use only. They may be protected by copyright according to US law. Any further reproduction of the materials may require copyright or other rights clearance and is the sole responsibility of the user.
These items were sourced from the Fay Jones Collection in the Arkansas Architectural Archives, Special Collections, University of Arkansas Libraries. In any case where an item was not free use, or the rights were owned by the library, we performed our due diligence in discovering, contacting, and receiving permission from the copyright holders. Despite our efforts, some items proved impossible for us to identify the copyright holder of or make contact with the copyright holder. Items of which we obtained the copyright information for have that information included in their metadata. If you are the copyright holder of any item in this collection and we have not properly credited you, or you would prefer that the item do not appear on this website, please contact us and let us know!